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Week of August 24-28 Learning Materials

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Yellowstone National Park image of colorful pool of water

We know it isn't easy keeping an at-home routine of educational lessons and activities and we are here to help!

Each weekday from 12pm-6pm on WMHT WORLD, watch a robust suite of PBS programs with your family - right at home. After viewing programs, ranging from NOVA to American Masters, you can utilize the supplemental PBS LearningMedia materials below. Learn about Yellowstone National Park, the Reconstruction period and more.

Click here for the August 24-28 Home Classroom Schedule [PDF]

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WMHT Reflection Questions for Parents, Families, Educators and Students [PDF]


Nature The Good, the Bad, and the Grizzly: This is Their Land
The park rangers of Yellowstone National Park have the difficult task of keeping both its visitors and animals safe.In this video segment from Nature, learn about the challenges of managing the grizzly bears and their admirers at Yellowstone National Park.

Nature The Good, the Bad, and the Grizzly: Bear Necessities
This video from Nature examines these four foods as they relate to the survival of the grizzlies of Yellowstone.

Nature The Good, the Bad and the Grizzly: Bears Don’t Recognize Boundaries
The grizzly bears of Yellowstone National Park were once habituated to human presence, surviving on trash intentionally left by visitors. In this video segment from Nature, meet a cattle rancher who was unable to prevent the bears from attacking his livestock.

Before There Were Parks: Yellowstone & Glacier through Native Eyes
Three part collection
From time immemorial the lands we now call Yellowstone and Glacier have been regarded by Native Americans as significant and sacred. In this unique film, more than a dozen of these leaders and experts from all across the region offer a respectful introduction to the knowledge that tribal people have passed down here for at least the past 12,000 years. Discover why Glacier and Yellowstone are so important to American Indians—for reasons far beyond their recent status as National Parks.

Volcanism at Yellowstone
In this video excerpt from NOVA: “Deadliest Volcanoes,” learn why the Yellowstone supervolcano is located in the middle of the North American Plate instead of along a plate boundary, where most volcanoes form.

NOVA: The Volcano Under Yellowstone
Learn about the volcano under Yellowstone National Park in this video from NOVA Digital. Old Faithful—the powerful geyser in Yellowstone that erupts predictably—results from magma superheating water below the ground's surface.


Animal Babies
Not all animal babies are created equal. Some require years of intensive parental care, while others meet life head-on, capable of taking care of themselves from the start. This slideshow provides a sample of the different levels of dependence of various animal babies.


Amelia Earhart’s Birthplace Museum
See where Amelia grew up, read news clips about her various achievements, learn about Amelia’s childhood and more.

Amelia Earhart, Aviator, Record-breaker, and Activist
Through two primary source activities and a short video, students will learn about Earhart’s passion for flying and determination to succeed as a female aviator.

Amelia Earhart Letter Archive
Analyze and interpret the letters of Amelia Earhart to understand her role in shaping her own image, and the image of 20th-century aviation, in this video from ANTIQUES ROADSHOW.

Hot Shots and Hot Jobs: Pilots Enjoy Breathtaking View and Plentiful Job Options
The possibilities for trained pilots are varied—from piloting huge passenger jets across the ocean to guiding small aircraft for police, fire and medical operations.

Milestones of Flight: The Lindberghs
Charles Lindbergh is probably best known for making the first solo flight across the Atlantic in the Spirit of St. Louis. However, Lindbergh and his wife, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, also reached other milestones in aviation.

Copters, Choppers and the Phrog
This episode of STEM in 30 will explore helicopters: their design, how they work, and the functions they play in our society.


Understanding the New Deal
In this gallery, students will view four segments from Ken Burns: The Dust Bowl that explore the Dust Bowl, New Deal programs, and government relief and reform during the Great Depression.

Mr. Huff and the WPA
Students will analyze how local governments responded to the Dust Bowl crisis.

New Deal: FDR’s First 100 Days
FDR began The New Deal with an ambitious set of programs during his first 100 days in office. The New Deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the Great Depression to restore prosperity to Americans.

The New Deal Works at Gooseberry Falls
This lesson is part of "Great States: Minnesota | Unit 9: Great Depression and the New Deal" where students will explore how the Great Depression and its resultant expansion of the federal government affected Minnesota.

Interpreting Depression Era Photography
Working for the government, a cadre of photographers sought to document the hardships Americans suffered during the Depression.


Civil War Battles: Charleston and South Carolina
Explore images taken in Charleston, South Carolina during the Civil War. The first shots of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, on April 12, 1861.

Sherman’s March
This activity helps students understand how General William Tecumseh Sherman's March to the Sea was one of the most controversial aspects of the later phases of the Civil War.

U.S. Grant: Warrior: Biography: Ulysses S. Grant
Learn more with this biography from American Experience: "U.S. Grant - Warrior."

Tulsi Gabbard: Atlanta Campaign of the Civil War
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard learns about her third great grandfather, a man named Lewis Porter, who grew up during a time when America was moving toward Civil War. Lewis volunteered for the Union army to fight against the Confederacy. Just weeks after enlisting, Lewis Porter’s regiment set off under General William Tecumseh Sherman to serve in one of the most significant campaigns of the Civil War: The Atlanta Campaign.


Native America: Cities of the Sky
Native America: Cities of the Sky explores the creation of some of the ancient world’s largest and most impressive cities. An archaeologist explores some of the world’s largest pyramids in Central America, scientists 3D-scan a lost city of monumental mounds on the Mississippi River, and native elders reveal ancient powers of the sky in modern-day Missouri. Modern research suggests these ancient urban centers are more than just great feats of engineering and artistry. They are heavenly cities—aligned to and inspired by the movement of the sun, moon, and stars.

Celestial Sphere
This animation is a simple model of the apparent motion of the stars in the night sky. Ancient people described the motions as if the stars were all attached to a vast globe, or a Celestial Sphere, centered about the Earth.

Galileo: Sun-Centered System
Before the 17th century, people generally believed that Earth was at the center of the universe. Galileo, however, was not afraid to challenge existing beliefs.

Galileo’s Thought Experiments
This video from NOVA shows a dramatization of one of Galileo's thought experiments designed to help prove that Earth moves around the Sun at great speed.

NOVA: Galileo’s Inclined Plane
Galileo's use of the inclined plane to study the motion of objects is one of his most important contributions to science. As this video segment from NOVA illustrates, the inclined plane allowed Galileo to accurately measure the effect of gravity on falling objects and develop a universal law describing this effect.

Gravity at Earth’s Center
In this video adapted from NOVA scienceNOW, investigate the hypothetical scenario of a person falling into a hole through the center of Earth.

Solar System Dynamics: Orbits and Kepler’s Laws
Explore how human understanding of planetary orbits has changed throughout history in this video about Kepler's laws of planetary motion.


Reconstruction: The 15th Amendment and African American Men in Congress
After the war was over and slavery abolished, Reconstruction was underway. Although there were challenges ahead, African Americans were filled with unprecedented hope.

Reconstruction: The Black Codes
The end of the Civil War brought about the freedom of four million slaves. The era of Reconstruction that followed the war sought to remedy the inequities of slavery while readmitting the Southern states back into a reunified nation.

Reconstruction: Ida B. Wells- Pioneer of Civil Rights
Ida B. Wells, a journalist and owner of the Memphis newspaper Free Speech and Headlight spent a lifetime working for civil rights and women’s suffrage. She helped to launch the National Association of Colored Women and was one of the founding members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).


10 Towns that Changed America
Ever since the first European settlers arrived, North America's town founders and planners have asked some big questions about how to shape the places we live.


The Role of the Press in the Rise and Fall of Joseph McCarthy
Examine the role the press played in Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s rise and fall in these videos from McCarthy | AMERICAN EXPERIENCE.

Communism’s Appeal Grows during the Great Depression
Learn how communism grew in popularity in the United States during the Great Depression in this video from McCarthy | AMERICAN EXPERIENCE.

The Speech the Launched the 1950s Red Scare
Discover how a speech delivered by Sen. Joseph McCarthy in 1950 at a Women’s Republican Club in Wheeling, West Virginia, sparked anti-communist hysteria nationwide and ushered in the era of “McCarthyism” in this video from McCarthy | AMERICAN EXPERIENCE.

Red Scare Crackdown The Bombing of Wall Street
Learn how the U.S. government cracked down on terrorism threats and left-wing activism in America during the “Red Scare” of 1919–1920, in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, in these videos adapted from AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: The Bombing of Wall Street.


Antarctic Ecosystems
In this interactive activity adapted from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, learn about seasonal environmental conditions in the Antarctic and their influence on the southern polar ecosystem.

Early Exploration of Antarctic Climate
This ThinkTV interactive feature exhibits historic photos of Admiral Richard Byrd's expeditions to Antarctica.

Ice Shelf and Ice Sheet Activity
A block of melting ice simulates ice shelves and ice sheets and their differing effects on global sea level in this interactive activity adapted from Texas A&M University.

NOVA: Extreme Ice
In this video excerpt from NOVA: "Extreme Ice," learn about the historical record of climate changes captured in ice.

Tracking Glacial Clues for Climate Change
This ThinkTV interactive feature demonstrates how scientists determine whether glaciers are growing or shrinking.


Zeppelins Resurrected
In 1935, the USS Macon went down in 1,000 feet of water off the coast of Monterey, California. In this resource from KQED's QUEST, learn about how, as scientists study the recently-discovered wreckage.

Locating Zeppelins by Sound
Learn how the British used sound mirrors to detect enemy aircraft in this video from NOVA: Zeppelin Terror Attack.

Learn more about what it takes to operate some of the world’s largest blimps in this video from Design Squad Nation.

Buoyancy Basics
This illustrated demonstration from NOVA uses blocks of wood in water to explain the connection between the amount of water displaced by an object and the object's density.

Buoyancy Brainteasers
Which way do you think a helium balloon inside an idling car will move when the driver puts the pedal to the metal?


Elements of Art
Explore the seven basic elements of art including Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Value, Space and Color. These are the building blocks of all art and are a good place to start when making, looking at or analyzing works of art.

Art School is a video series for people who want to learn about art. See interviews with contemporary artists working in performing, visual and media art, as well as how-to videos that demonstrate new ways to get creative and explain art-making techniques and concepts.

See how art became the great interface when distant cultures met for the first time. Interactive art experience for episode Encounters and The Second Moment of Creation.


Home of Franklin D Roosevelt National Historic Site
Discover the Roosevelts, the family home, the Presidential library, Val-Kill, once a family picnic site it became Eleanor Roosevelt’s cottage and then primary residence.

The Roosevelts Ken Burns in the Classroom
Ken Burns in the Classroom- The Roosevelts

Theodore Roosevelt and the Western Experience examines the 26th president of the United States. TR or Teddy as he has come to be known, balanced his identity of an intellectual from the East with the frontiersman of the West. His love of nature as a boy carried on throughout his life, influencing policy decisions as president that we still see today. “