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Season 6 Episode 2

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Featured on this episode of AHA! creative mixed-media artist Jenny Hutchison, Jonathan Canning Director of Curatorial Affairs and Programming of the Hyde Collection, and lastly soul-rocksinger-songwriter Buggy Jive performs his song “Lawza Mercy”.

Jenny Hutchinson

Glens Falls, New York artist Jenny Hutchinson brings together painting and sculpture. Working as a mixed-media artist, Hutchinson intends to blend multiple mediums together in a single piece. Hutchinson is inspired by nature and loves to break out of frames. Hutchinson was once described as “a sculptor trapped in a painter’s body” and fully took that statement to heart. By breaking away from frames, Hutchinson can work with various dimensions. Hutchinson often finds herself working with whatever mediums needed, from pencil to ink to oil. Although not a full-time artist, Hutchinson works at the Hyde Collection, an environment that appreciates her creative endeavors. When working with nature scenes, Hutchinson sees from within the form, meaning she combines materials making countless new forms from a single scene.

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Jonathan Canning

Jonathan Canning is the Director of Curatorial Affairs and Programming at The Hyde Collection. Canning takes care of the Hyde’s’ own collection which consists of European and American art spanning from the late middle ages to the present. He is also responsible for bringing in new exhibitions every year, some big some small. Canning explains that curating is more than just glorified decorating or hanging paintings on walls. Curating involves transportation of art, handling insurance, advertising, educational programming, and much more. Canning came into the world of curating when he was growing up in Canterbury, England. The medieval history of Canterbury is almost overwhelming and growing up in an area so rich in history sparked Canning’s interest in how art can be used and viewed as a record of society. Curating requires the thinking of both present and future, as the

curator is providing an experience for visitors, taking on the responsibility always thinking about the next exhibition, and next one after that, and so on. Canning believes that it is his responsibility to celebrate multiracial art and diversity of cultures through the art he chooses for display.


Buggy Jive

Buggy Jive, a soul-rock artist, both a talented and passionate singer-songwriter, performs at the AHA! studio. Buggy Jive sings his song Lawza Mercy, showing off his excellent voice and instrumental abilities.

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AHA! A House for ArtsAHA! 602 | Jenny Hutchinson
Rating: NR

Glens Falls artist Jenny Hutchinson lets her intuition be her guide.

Playlist title
1 / 3 Videos
AHA! 602 | Jenny Hutchinson
AHA! A House for Arts
AHA! 602 | Jenny Hutchinson
AHA! 602 | Buggy Jive: B Side
AHA! A House for Arts
AHA! 602 | Buggy Jive: B Side
AHA! 602 | Buggy Jive: Lawza Mercy
AHA! A House for Arts
AHA! 602 | Buggy Jive: Lawza Mercy