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Season 6 Episode 1

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Featured on this episode of AHA! Liveware creators Michael Century and Shawn Lawson, unconventional artist and lecturer Silvia Ruzanka, and lastly Girl Blue performing two original works.

Michael Century and Shawn Lawson of Liveware

Liveware was established by music composer Michael Century along with live-coder and graphic designer Shawn Lawson. Liveware takes on the human factor of technology and art. There is a biological component to software and hardware, however Century and Lawson show us the human side of things. Liveware’s performances specialize in sound music, visualization, and animation. These RPI professors believe in offering the public an experience for both eyes and ears. Computer culture is slowly making its way into the arts, Century and Lawson helping to pave the way for this combination to happen. When asking the question, can art and technology have a relationship? Liveware provides a tangible answer, showing audiences how computer technology and music can combine to make for one amazing visceral experience.

Michael Century Website|bio | Vimeo

Shawn LawsonWebsite | Bio | Vimeo | LinkedIn | Listen

Silvia Ruzanka

Silvia Ruzanka is a senior lecturer in the Department of Art Games and Simulation at RPI in Troy, New York. Ruzanka’s art is unconventional, pushing the boundaries of mainstream art. Ruzanka gets to investigate and observe the limitless possibilities of art, and thinks we all can do the same. What is considered art can continue to change as we move forward in our ever-increasing digital world. Ruzanka specializes in creating interactive art through the use of computers and machines. She reveals what we can do with digital technology and artistic expression, teaching her students that technology can play a role in art culture. By exploring the boundaries of art through video, installations, performance, and virtual environments, Ruzanka shows us that art and science are not as separate as

we once thought. In blurring the boundaries that divide art and science, we realize both are used to understand our world, bringing new perspectives along the way.

Artist Statement | Website

Girl Blue

Awarded solo artist of the year at the 2019 Capital Region Thomas Edison Music Awards, Girl Blue performs her songs “Fire Under Water” and “The Woods”. With her voice and acoustic guitar, Girl Blue displays her talent and love for the art.

Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube| Spotify | Apple Music

AHA! A House for ArtsAHA! 601 | Liveware
Rating: NR

Liveware performances are certainly one-of-a-kind.

AHA Season 6, Episode 1
1 / 5 Videos
AHA! 601 | Liveware
AHA! A House for Arts
AHA! 601 | Liveware
AHA! 601 | Silvia Ruzanka
AHA! A House for Arts
AHA! 601 | Silvia Ruzanka
AHA! 601 | Girl Blue: Insane Grace
AHA! A House for Arts
AHA! 601 | Girl Blue: Insane Grace
AHA! 601 | Girl Blue: Fire Under Water
AHA! A House for Arts
AHA! 601 | Girl Blue: Fire Under Water
AHA! 601 | Girl Blue: The Woods
AHA! A House for Arts
AHA! 601 | Girl Blue: The Woods